Based on Crocheted Delight Necklace by Maya Kuzman
Used the tutorial from the original necklage. Only difference is tha i used a ribbon instead of a chain. I thing it turned out pretty nice:)
Always_smile entered her project Crocheted Delight Necklace to Harmonees Creations 18 Jan 15:40
Always_smile entered her project Crocheted Delight Necklace to StickerApp 03 Nov 09:00
cheryl.palmquist.7 favorited Crocheted Delight Necklace 09 Oct 19:07
Always_smile entered her project Crocheted Delight Necklace to Pogo Connect 01 May 13:11
You Will Need
Gunhild N. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!