There shall be an army of them!! :D
Another Mario item made from the same site as the Luma. Definitely took WAY less time than Luma, which was great. This was my first time switching colours in crocheting. I'm giving my boyfriend this one and making a green and a red one for my best friend's b-day at the end of the month. This took friday and saturday night to complete the body and sunday morning for the spots. I've been working on other projects in between, which will be posted soon. :)
RainxFlower24 added Crochet Mario Mushroom to Crochet 14 Jan 08:38
bob t. favorited Crochet Mario Mushroom 10 Jan 16:25
You Will Need
sweetsundae0 posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!