vogue vogue vogue
everyone wants to be able to snap that great self portrait...here are some easy steps how to acheve it
have fun with it
You Will Need
Step 1
first find your right angle
look into a mirror, turn left and right, look right at yourself
found your perfect angle, remember it...
Some pointers....[I used to model]
keep the chin and nose pointed down
look at the camera
experiment with different faces...smile in one, laugh in another, frown, pout, do whatever
Step 2
now get your camera
turn it on
place finger on the release button[lightly]
hold it about arm length from your face
push the button
Step 3
and remember to have fun
michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
Corryton, Tennessee, US
133 projects
You look great!!! And oh so happy!!! Luv ya!!!