Upcycle unsightly promotional magnets into cute bow fridge magnet!
Hi all, I’m Nina from Maru Store. We sell quality Japanese Washi Tape and more goodies. Today I show you how to take all those unsightly promotional magnets and turn them into magnets you’ll love to see on your fridge.
I guess you may have the same problem when dealing with promotional magnets that comes with flyers or advertisements in your mailbox. Personally I only keep the medical numbers on my fridge and put the rest away. Last weekend I was inspired by one of my blog reader to make washi tape magnet. So I dug out the collection of old magnets and made this tutorial on how to recycle and craft them with our MT Ribbon Wide Washi Tape at Marustore.
PunkyFunk added Crafting Magnets With Washi Tape to DIY the Room 22 Jun 21:03
tiffany.robinson.900 favorited Crafting Magnets With Washi Tape 04 Jun 02:17
piefacetoldmeso favorited Crafting Magnets With Washi Tape 10 May 01:37
Maru Store favorited their project Crafting Magnets With Washi Tape 09 May 12:41