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A timelapse video and step-by-step of my sketching, inking and shading!
I usually colour Crafterella on the computer, but when Chameleon Pens sent me a set of their new colour changing pens, I couldn't resist trying to colour her by hand. It took me a little time to get used to working from light to dark, but I was so impressed with the finished result.

Posted by Cat Morley from London, United Kingdom • Published See Cat Morley's 1145 projects »

  • Step 1

    Here's a timelapse video of my entire drawing, feel free to ask any questions!

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 2
    Step 2

    I started by lightly and roughly pencilling in the idea for my drawing with a 2H pencil.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 3
    Step 3

    When I was happy with my drawing, I used a 2B pencil to draw my sketch properly, adding the lines more boldly.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 4
    Step 4

    When you're happy with your sketch, ink the design in with a fine liner pen. Leave the ink to dry for a few minutes.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 5
    Step 5

    Use an eraser to remove your pencil sketches and get a nice clean sheet of paper.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 6
    Step 6

    I then started colouring my drawing with the Chameleon Colour Changing pens, starting with dark brown on Crafterella's hair. I started by outlining her hair with the original colour of the pen.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 7
    Step 7

    I then lightening the colour of the pen for a few seconds with the alcohol tip before filling in the hair, starting in the very middle and working my way out towards the edges as the pen darkened, creating a gradient.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 8
    Step 8

    I also used the colourless blending pen to help smooth out my gradients.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 9
    Step 9

    I then started outlining the highlights of her hair with a lighter brown, in the same way I did in step 6.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 10
    Step 10

    I also blended a little of the light brown's original colour into the lighter parts of the dark brown strands.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 11
    Step 11

    I continued working between the highlights and lowlights of the hair with the two colours.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 12
    Step 12

    Fill in the lighter parts of the highlights by lightening the light brown with the alcohol and creating gradients like we did in step 9.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 13
    Step 13

    I then started working on the costume with a light blue and dark blue pen. Draw thick lines with the original colour of the pen to create shadows.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 14
    Step 14

    I then started working on the skin using a pale orange pen. I really carefully outlined my shadows as the key for the skin was to keep it as light as possible.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 15
    Step 15

    I then used the blending pen to blend the skin outlines into the white of the page, working my way towards the middle of her skin.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 16
    Step 16

    Slowly build up the colour of the skin, going over the shadows and blending inwards to build up the shade.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 17
    Step 17

    Keep building up the drawing until your happy with it, careful not to go to heavy on the colour - you can always add more later.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 18
    Step 18

    I then started tracing the outlines of the lips with red.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 19
    Step 19

    I also added a lightened shade of green pen to the eyes.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 20
    Step 20

    Fill in the lips, making the top lips much darker than the bottom lip.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 21
    Step 21

    I then started working on the dark grey / black areas of the drawing such as her mask, collar and gloves. Outlining them with a grey pen.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 22
    Step 22

    I shaded in these with grey, creating a gradient across the middle.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 23
    Step 23

    I then started adding bold shadows to the outline with a black pen.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 24
    Step 24

    I slowly built up dark shadows and gradients on these areas, similar to how I did the skin, alternating between grey and black.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 25
    Step 25

    As my drawing began to look more complete, I added black to the pupils of the eyes and dark brown to the eyebrows.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 26
    Step 26

    I then started adding really definite shadows with black.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 27
    Step 27

    Once I was happy with the colouring, I added a thick black outline to my drawing with the details pen.

  • How to create a portrait. Crafterella Timelapse - Step 28
    Step 28

    Finally I used the blending pen to touch up the drawing.

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