ok i was asked to make a tutorial for this and...my original one (look in my projects) was thrown away...(/^\)<sniff)ok! I made another one and when I think about it I'm still new to it...so bare with me if possible.
Gabby E. favorited Cosplay Cat Hat #2 11 Oct 15:46
l l. favorited Cosplay Cat Hat #2 10 Aug 17:37
♥ Mimi Foxtrot♥ entered their project Cosplay Cat Hat #2 to Cath Kidston's Sew! Contest 26 Oct 13:06
♥ Mimi Foxtrot♥ entered their project Cosplay Cat Hat #2 to Generation T Contest 30 Jul 15:06
Step 7
but before sewing the hat closed take this time to make the face...it can be ay expression...happy,sad,angry,silly, or super animated...have fun with it, BUT sew it onto the outer only and leave the inner fabric intact and threadless...get me? then sew it once you're done...FYI for the newcomers...I use the whipstitch (google if needed)...
Step 13
sometime the ears won't lool right by itself so I have 2 ideas for you to contemplate...(1) the pink triangle cats have in their ears you can sew that on or (2) felt cover it...