keep your fingers from misspelling
I normally do this on my toes, but that would've been a lot more work for this how to, and I have ugly workers nails from working out in a shop all day, so I probably should've shaped my nails a little better before starting this, but you get the idea!
autumnrose.lee favorited Correction Tape Manicure 11 Mar 10:27
You Will Need
Step 4
Cut the strip in half, or to a width your want your tip to be. You can leave it straight or give it a little curve on one side. Since I normally do this on my toes, the only crucial one to curve is the big toe which is easier because it's bigger and the rest can stay flat since they're so small... but do it how ya want.
Step 5
This is where it gets kinda hard to do and explain.
Place the edge over the crease in your nail and press it in with your thumb nail, take the strip across your nail and while still holding the first side, press it in the crease on the other side with your other thumb and rub the correction tape on your nail like a rub on transfer. This might be easier with a friend, but it's doable by yourself once ya get the hang of it.