Ugly shoes to kickass heels in no time.
There's no how to because I did this a few weeks ago, and I've only just gotten around to posting it here!
It's pretty simple though!
The shoes themselves, I'd recommend ones with patent leather or anything like that...the mod podge tends to stick really well to that kind of material.
Then just get your comic books or whatever you choose to use and cut them up into little scenes like I did or whatever you fancy & mod podge them on to the shoes!
Mod Podge dries pretty fast so be careful about sticking the pieces down where you want them. Once stuck down, let it dry properly and paste over it with more mod podge and voila!
Tina H. favorited Comic Book Heels! 23 Jul 21:30
Skyclad favorited Comic Book Heels! 09 Jun 21:16
nikkyk favorited Comic Book Heels! 10 May 00:30
Joanna C. favorited Comic Book Heels! 05 Apr 03:43
Helen S. favorited Comic Book Heels! 22 Mar 21:50
dontdreamitbeit published her project Comic Book Heels! 02 Mar 21:06
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