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Color Block Bracelet
Extract from Aromatherapy Jewelry with Lava Beads • By Lori Wenger • Published by Leisure ArtsAbout
Aromatherapy Jewelry
I really wanted a gold-topped crystal point, but could only find silver-topped pendants. Easy fix: use gold leaf colored Rub ’N Buff. This easy-to-use wax metallic finish changed the cap on my pendant from silver to gold in no time.
Lotusburger favorited Color Block Bracelet 11 Jan 11:33
You Will Need
Step 1
To make the bracelet:
Cut two 12" lengths of stretch cord. Hold the cords together and treat as one for this bracelet. String the bead stop on one end of the cord. Referring to the photo for the bead order, string the beads on the stretch cord, using a beading needle if desired.
Step 3
Check the bracelet size by carefully wrapping it around your wrist, adding or removing beads until the bracelet fits the way you like. Loosen the cord and carefully remove the bead stop. Tie the cord with a surgeon’s knot and apply a drop of glue to the knot. Once dry, trim the cord ends.
Step 5
Follow Making A Tassel to make a floss tassel, wrapping the credit card about 20 times and slipping 10mm jump ring through the tassel top.
Making A Tassel
Wrap floss around a credit card the specified number of times. Trim the floss from the skein. Slip an open jump ring behind the wraps and bring it to the top of the cardboard; close the jump ring. Cut the floss loops on the end opposite the jump ring. Remove the credit card. Wrap a 12" floss length around the tassel at the top. Knot the ends and trim. Apply a drop of glue to the knot. -
Step 6
Dip the tassel into warm water, being careful to not get the wrapped area and top of tassel wet. Lay flat to dry (this allows the floss strands to lie straight). Trim the tassel to 13/4" long.