Based on Collapsable Light Tent by Leigh R.
I did not follow this tutorial completely. I only have two lights so I did not cut the window for the top. Mine is also larger and I made the bottom different. This is my first light tent made from foam board and I enjoyed working with it over flimsy card board. If you have an online shop and can not take your photos in natural light, a light tent is the only way to go! Trust me, photos always come out better this way :D The picture with the candy corn was taken with this light tent.
Millie H. added Collapsable Light Tent to Make 26 Mar 02:58
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Heather C. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Tasmania, Tasmania, AU
32 projects
this is awesome! I've been searching for a way to take better photos of my projects! your photos look great