coca cola can candle !!!
- Miku N. favorited Coca Cola Candle Holder 27 Dec 18:14
- Zombie Babe favorited Coca Cola Candle Holder 05 Aug 03:21
- Sandra C. added Coca Cola Candle Holder to Manualitats 19 May 14:50
You Will Need
Step 1
remove the top of the cans with a can opener
Pierce on the lettering of one of the cans with a needle ! -
Step 2
Cut the 2nd can of coke into stips down to 1.5 centemiter above the botom
then fold the first strip over the second and the second one over the third ect...and then superglue the bottom of the 1 can to the 2nd !
@ Gilly S. http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/soda_beer_can_ashtrays Essentially its the same concept, there's some tricky parts in the tutorial but I think it got explained somewhere in the comments.