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coasters, guitar string wrapper
I made these for my boyfriends birthday using the wrappers from his guitar string packaging. They were soo simple, but i've never seen anything like them online. I used 4in x 4 in wood and painted it black on the bottom and sides. I painted the tops white since the paper was white, very thin and somewhat see through, it made the white more vibrant. I used Mod Podge to glue the paper down (start from the middle and work your way out smoothing all bubbles) and a spray sealant (4 coats) to keep them from getting ruined by moisture. I bought a roll of cork board with a sticker back, cut them to size, applied and voila! Happy Boyfriend Birthday coasters :) <3

Posted by Caylynn A. Published See Caylynn A.'s 8 projects »

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