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A sad/evil clown dress up - just for the sake of Tuesdays
It was Tuesday and I was slightly bored. So I decided to dress up as a clown.

I started out by dyeing my hair pink using Manic Panic's Hot Hot Pink. I had actually planned to dye my hair for quite a while so it was not just for the dress up.

Then I did the make up. Since I am me I have face paint at home. I didn't use face paint around the eyes, though. It's not meant to be used there. I used a glue stick to cover my eyebrows but I was a bit too impatient so it turned out crappy. Next time, I'll do it properly. Oh well. I didn't want it to look perfect, I was a sad/screwed up clown after all.

I picked some weird/awesome clothes I had in the back of my closet. The orange shirt was so off in color next to the hair. I just had to wear that shirt. It was perfect. I added a sort of maroon bowtie in satin, droopy and sad, and a pair of dotted suspenders. I had a hard time deciding what type of trousers to wear. The stockings came natural and the shoes used to be my dads old shoes. They fit me great since I have huge feet. The soles where all worn down so during the photo-session I slipped and got caught in a nail and my stockings got ripped.

I asked my twelve year old sister to be my photographer. I had to do some creative editing since she's not. Uhm. Familiar with my camera. Or any other camera for that matter.

Oh well. It was fun.
I love the fact that we have a shitload of stuff laying around here. Like a chainsaw and an axe. And a bathtub and loads of piles with scrap and whatever.
Next time I decide to dress up just for the sake of it, I'll make sure to have my BFF here. He's got a good camera and an eye for things.

Posted by EmmaThePrincess from Kalmar, Kalmar County, Sweden • Published See EmmaThePrincess's 21 projects »


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xxxKittycorexxx · 3 projects
SO FREAKING AWESOME! <3 (Very pretty)

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