Tasty AND Easy
If you can make toast, and boil water, you have the culinary mastery to make your own cranberry sauce, and actually impress your friends and family with it.
Miss_Fit added Citrus Cranberry Sauce with Pineapple Juice to Food 08 Jul 02:12
Krista B. added Citrus Cranberry Sauce with Pineapple Juice to To Cook 29 May 00:11
Step 1
Seriously, it takes less than 20 minutes to make your own. All you have to do is throw all the ingredients in a pot, and stir…occasionally.
Step 2
Watch it go through these four stages. When it looks like jam, you are done.
silly me
It means that 1/2 C. of sugar wasn't quite enough for the level of sweetness I was looking for, so I added another 1 Tbs. So, in recipes, people will often write 1 C. + 2 tsp. "such and such" as a way of telling you the exact quantity they used. More than 1 C., but less than 2 C. Enjoy the recipe! We made it for Thanksgiving and it was a hit.