Cute 'lil citrus to put in your ears!
I made these earrings a while ago...purty cute, huh? Yeah....I'll add a better summery later.
MackAttack27 favorited Citrus Earrings 12 Mar 17:57
kiwi girl favorited Citrus Earrings 15 Oct 14:29
kiwi girl commented on Citrus Earrings 15 Oct 14:29
Cake replied to a comment on her project Citrus Earrings 27 Sep 02:54
Cupcake_Warrior =) commented on Citrus Earrings 24 Sep 20:28
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Cake posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Cat Queen
5 projects

Cupcake_Warrior =)
82 projects
Where'd you get the beads? Just at a craft store? Really cute prject, btw! ;)

6 projects
The orange part is clay, and I made them myself. The purple beads are from a craft store, thanks!