cinnamon pastries that look like a rose :)
I only used half the amount of all the ingredients to try this recipe. I will definitely do it again :D
Júlia S. added Cinnamon Roses to receptes 17 Dec 22:44
Cheshire x. favorited Cinnamon Roses 18 Sep 00:44
Kaiulani W. favorited Cinnamon Roses 10 Jul 01:33
Step 1
in a bowl, combine flour, salt, honey and yeast. then, add the egg yolk, butter and water.
Step 2
knead until you have a smooth dough. on a floured surface, roll out the dough into a rectangle.sprinkle over a mix of cinnamon and sugar, then roll it up (like a swiss roll).
Step 3
cut the roll into 2,5cm slices and leave them to chill in a warm place until doubled in size.
Step 4
bake at 200°C for 20-25mins
Step 5
afterwards, decorate the roses with icing sugar