Smells delish!
Also called pomander balls. Hang em in your closet!
Ellis Pritchard favorited Christmassy Air Freshener 22 Jun 07:37
Oliver Daniels favorited Christmassy Air Freshener 17 Oct 07:48
Julie Phillips favorited Christmassy Air Freshener 17 Oct 06:17
PixieFey added Christmassy Air Freshener to Feeling Festive 14 Oct 12:05
jomiba favorited Christmassy Air Freshener 25 Dec 18:52
SemperJay favorited Christmassy Air Freshener 03 Dec 11:02
You Will Need
Step 1
Just take the orange and sitck the whole cloves iin it randomly or in a pattern. Tie some ribbon around it. It smells SO GOOD!!!

quirky been v.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
8 projects
i did not know that...

Char C.
Chicago, Illinois, US
6 projects
We do this craft every year at Christmas! We just did it today. The smell of oranges and cloves defines Christmas time for me.

Cincinnati, Ohio, US
23 projects
My mother taught me how to make these when I was little. They keep spiders away as well. Spiders hate citrus.