Felted Christmas Decos
These decoration were made for my friends' children, using a felted swatch of Cascade 220 held double and knitted on 10mm needles. Once the swatch was felted I just cut out the desired shapes, embroidered on names and other patterns, and added ribbon for hanging. You could use any bits and pieces from your sewing kit to embellish these. I found some sequins and a small brass bell to make mine more interesting.
Please note I used the reverse stockinette side as well as the stockinette side of the swatch to give the decorations a different look.
Mathilde F. favorited Christmas Decorations 13 Sep 15:54
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Charmaine C. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, AE
16 projects
oh my this is so sweet!

Charmaine C.
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, AE
1 project
Once you have felted the swatch all the fibers are locked in together so they ain't going nowhere! I felted this swatch by hand in hot water (wear rubber gloves!) with a bit of wool wash and lots of rubbing until the fabric shrinks and felts together.Make sure you use natural fibers and NOT super-wash or it wont felt.

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
These look great, I never realized felting would be so easy. So after you've felted the wool, it's okay to cut it and it wont unravel?