A Pro-life bracelet
Got bored at my Dad's office, so I made a pro-life bracelet out of stuff I found hanging around.
Loelle favorited Choose Life Bracelet 01 Jan 18:47
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Basketbchic posted this project as a creation without steps
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U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
11 projects
@Beth L. I'm not trying to start an argument over this subject. I'm just posting a concept of a bracelet, and "choose life" is what I happened to write on it. You are entitled to your opinion, but honestly this site is for craft ideas, not political arguments. Thanks!

Beth L.
York, Maine, US
Mine says Pro-Choice

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
11 projects

Cheshunt, England, GB
58 projects
ha, you're like a crafty macgyver