These small cakes are very soft on the outside and chocolate mousse inside
These small cakes are very easy to make and just take 5 to 7 minutes in a very hot oven. They are really exquisit.
With this recipe you make 8 to 10 small cakes.
Sunnie favorited Chocolate Petit Gateaux 27 Feb 04:25
Step 1
First you have to pre-heat the oven to 250ºC.
Stir together the eggs and egg yolks with sugar till it becomes a creamy texture.
Mix the flour with the egg and cream mixture.
Melt the chocolate with the butter in the microwave for 50 sec at it's maximum setting and stir well until it turns to a soft cream.
Then add the chocolate to the other cream mixture, stirring continuosly.
Step 3
Remove the cakes from the tins and serve hot.
You can serve the cakes with some vanilla ice cream on the side.If the cakes stay in the oven for too long a time, the will have less mousse left inside them. So, when they appear baked on the outside, remove them from the oven and when you break them open there will be a mousse explosion.
this ones don't turn out too good because the oven was not to hot and they stay a little longer, but i love them the same