Based on Chocolate Bacon Toffee Cupcakes W/ Maple Cream Cheese Icing by Jennie B.
these were absolutely deeeelicious! when i said i was making chocolate bacon cupcakes, everyone was cautious at first. but after the first bite, they were hooked! don't let the name scare you away. :) the only thing with this recipe for me was that i ended up with waaay too much frosting and i only ended up with 16 cupcakes, not 20. that might be why i had so much leftover frosting, but i doubt it cuz there was a lot left. overall, you definitely wanna make these!
- bacon_cupcakes.jpg 348 KB [ Download ]
Mai added Chocolate Bacon Toffee Cupcakes W/ Maple Cream Cheese Icing to yum yums 20 Jan 03:22
Mai added Chocolate Bacon Toffee Cupcakes W/ Maple Cream Cheese Icing to yum yums 20 Jan 03:22
marlene j. added Chocolate Bacon Toffee Cupcakes W/ Maple Cream Cheese Icing to dessert 12 Jan 21:27
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