Cheap and easy way to get Chanel Inspired Nails
These were inspired by Heidi Montog's Chanel nails from about year ago that were white on black. I wanted to change mine up a bit so I did mine as black on white instead.
This was a trial and error and the how-to is the one that ended up working out the best.
- Missing file
Step 1
To make the lettering I used a greeting card program and had to play around to find a similar font - I think I ended up with Gothic around 16 pts. Afterwards I looked up online what font Chanel is and one website indicated that it is "ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi", but hat is not something I had on my computer anyway. You invert one of the "C"s and place it over the top of the other C.
Print off on sticker paper or paper (sticker paper will be easier to work with).
I have tried uploading so it can be downloaded.