Cheap, fast, easy, STYLE!
I love finding strange new ways to show my love of fashion! When Outsapop featured Taylor and Demolish's chained collar tips, I was smitten!
There's just one problem: earring backs are NOT meant to go through a shirt's collar and I did not want to rip big holes in my silk blouses, thank you very much! Then it hit me: CLIP-ON EARRINGS!
You can get everything you need from a thrift store for only a few dollars! Well, maybe not the pliers...
(PS: it seems my embedded website link is broken. Feel free to check out my blog at BINARYCATFISH.BLOGSPOT.CA)
Key West Witch favorited Chain Tethered Collar Tips 07 Aug 21:12
Alisa M. favorited Chain Tethered Collar Tips 01 Apr 07:19
Allyne favorited Chain Tethered Collar Tips 05 Oct 18:15
Cuồng P. favorited Chain Tethered Collar Tips 14 Jul 15:53
Nora E. added Chain Tethered Collar Tips to Projects to try 05 Apr 05:51
elarablair favorited Chain Tethered Collar Tips 23 Feb 17:32
Geralyn E. favorited Chain Tethered Collar Tips 18 Feb 23:27
cristinakilljoyway favorited Chain Tethered Collar Tips 15 Jan 14:38
comradebunny favorited Chain Tethered Collar Tips 17 Sep 01:08
ImKaia added Chain Tethered Collar Tips to jewellery 15 Sep 21:38
One of the flip-clips was loose and had to be adjusted before it would sit snugly on my collar. To do that, you simply remove the flipper-clipper and bend the central spar as in line as possible with the outer spars but still lifted enough that you can reassemble the earring.
The screw-backs are trickier. I find the hook needs to be bent towards the earring slightly each time I wear them, as the act of tightening the screw pushes the hook outwards.