
$ $ $ $ $
• • • •
20 mins

Based on Cash Note Wallet by Cat Morley
Modern day american money isn't as pretty as it used to be.
I considered using mexican money but I don't have the technology to make it bigger. And also...I'm scared of getting in trouble for it...so ancient currency seemed the right path. Don't worry. Its not an actual artifact, its just a copy my brother got at a museum.
I used two little magnets to keep it closed.
You can tell i got impatient beacuse the top little part of the wallet came off. I got so excited while making it that i forgot to thread the needle...which lead to unwanted holes...sniff. but whatever. I still love it!

Posted by cheese from Elgin, Illinois, United States • Published See cheese's 11 projects »

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Jet H.
Jet H. · Haarlem, North Holland, NL · 108 projects
like the idea!!!
When you are still scared of it, you can use those game money too.
or got with your billet to a copy machine to make it bigger.
I know not all of us has those computer programes , an ohter idea, take a pict of it very closely and try to make the pict in an other bigger resolution and then you can print it and it will be much larger as well, but a copy machine is i think much easyer;-D
mayby this is helpfull for you;-D
and when you make it with the wrong colours they will know you didn't did a bad thing at all;-D
thank you for sharing this;-D
Jet H.
Jet H. · Haarlem, North Holland, NL · 108 projects
like the idea!!!
When you are still scared of it, you can use those game money too.
or got with your billet to a copy machine to make it bigger.
I know not all of us has those computer programes , an ohter idea, take a pict of it very closely and try to make the pict in an other bigger resolution and then you can print it and it will be much larger as well, but a copy machine is i think much easyer;-D
mayby this is helpfull for you;-D
and when you make it with the wrong colours they will know you didn't did a bad thing at all;-D
thank you for sharing this;-D

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