Cute yarn keychains ^^
These are really cute, I learned to make them back in elementary school.
- Dee D. added Cardboard Loom Keychains to mini 04 Jun 18:41
Step 10
When you run out of yarn, but are not done weaving, simply remove the yarn from the tooth pick, get some more yarn, tie it to the end, cut off excess, then retape the new end to the tooth pick and continue. This is a good time to switch colors or type of yarn (Furry yarn looks really cool on these ^^)
Step 11
Sorry, you'll have to wait till I get this one finished to continue the tutorial. Be back in a few ^^
Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
Ooh that's very neat.
Maastricht, Limburg, NL
8 projects
You could also use straws instead of toothpicks. Works really great too! ;)