• Posted by Kristian T.
These are really cute, I learned to make them back in elementary school.
These are really cute, I learned to make them back in elementary school.
Get your piece of cardboard, and starting 3/4in. from the side, make your 1st cut. The cut should extend about 2cm. in. Continue putting 2cm. deep cuts ever 2/4in.
Take the end of your piece of yarn, and tape it to the back of the loom.
Now pull the string over the front of the loom, and put it through the slit on the opposite side of the loom.
Now, on the back of the loom where you just put the yarn through the slot, put it in the slot beside it.
Just keep repeating those steps till you have filled up the loom, and then cut your yarn and tape it to the back. You loom should look like this.
Take and cut a pretty good amount of yarn, depending on how far you want that one color to go. I'd say start off with about a yard. Use your tape and tape one end of the yarn to a toothpick.
Take the other end of the yarn and tie it to the end of the loom.Before you tie it, though, look on the back of the loom. Make sure that the end you are starting with is the end that DOES NOT have the taped peices of yarn coming from it.
Start off like this, alternating under over under over.
The second line should look like this. Continue this pattern till you run out of yarn. *Also, while you are going along, make sure after you do each line you push it up to meet the line before it.
When you run out of yarn, but are not done weaving, simply remove the yarn from the tooth pick, get some more yarn, tie it to the end, cut off excess, then retape the new end to the tooth pick and continue. This is a good time to switch colors or type of yarn (Furry yarn looks really cool on these ^^)
Sorry, you'll have to wait till I get this one finished to continue the tutorial. Be back in a few ^^