An awesome purse that will make all your friends jealous
I found the original pattern for this purse on a different website and i knew i just had to make it. I thought my creation looked so awesome that i thought i would share it with you.
This project took my around a day to make, i was working on and off on it. So if you make it make sure you have plenty of time.
Have fun!! :P
Miss_Fit favorited Card Purse 07 Jul 03:06
Step 1
First gather all the supplies you will need and make sure you have someone willing to help you if you need an extra hand.
Step 4
Before you do any cutting you have to laminate them. You can go out and get them properly laminate them but i used the quick and cheap method and just used clear packing tape. Make sure you cover the front and back of all the sheets. When your done with that add another layer of duct tape on the back for more strength.
Step 6
sorry i don't have a picture for this step.
This part can be tricky so now is the time to call upon your helper friend for help. You now have to put the side and base together. Again I'm sorry i have no picture for this trick step. -
Step 11
Again this part is also optional. You can add a cover over top of the opening. As you can see there is an opening and that is because there was a zipper there. You can add one just make sure that you sew it in ( i didn't and mine fell off). All you have to do for this is make a rectangle piece of duct tape fabric, cut a hole in the center and tape it in place. Again this part can be tricky.
Step 12
Hey guess what... Your finally done. Hope you liked this tutorial and if you want to see where i found the pattern click the link above.
hope you had fun :D
I just finished making my "Card Purse"
So you should be seeing a version soon!!
Thnx for sharing =)