A soft lamp made from an interesting glass bottle.
My boyfriend and I don't drink much alcohol, but when we do, it's absinthe. Fortunately, the bottles are super cool... and unfortunately, I have a few wine racks full that are just collecting dust.
I picked one up the other day and thought about the wine bottle lamps some people make... but I didn't have the tools to cut a hole in the bottom of my bottle and put in a light bulb.
So I dug around in my boxes and found a string of battery operated green LED lights I got at Daiso (a Japanese dollar store on the west coast), and I shoved all the lights in the bottle, leaving the battery pack to rest on the back of the bottle.
Now it looks like I've got a bunch of little green fairies caught in my pretty bottle! Bwahahaha!
This would work with any colored glass bottle, and I'm sure an outlet powered string of lights would work fine as long as the space between the last light and the plug is long enough!
wendi.wagner favorited Capture The Green Fairy 17 Apr 19:14
Zombie Babe favorited Capture The Green Fairy 04 Apr 03:00
Darian D. added Capture The Green Fairy to FUN 13 Mar 04:07
Claire M. favorited Capture The Green Fairy 12 Oct 19:43
Raven Beauty favorited Capture The Green Fairy 30 Jul 13:47
Ada B. added Capture The Green Fairy to Smart Ideas 14 Apr 12:45
Ada B. favorited Capture The Green Fairy 19 Nov 20:08
Shae B. favorited Capture The Green Fairy 15 Sep 21:23
Mariah K. favorited Capture The Green Fairy 24 Jul 08:17
Love in a Thunderstorm posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
I love it.
i haven't tried anything but i think it might work