Create a funky, one of a kind bracelet with leftover wrappers.
Spring is on its way! And what better way to celebrate than making a craft with the kids?
Springtime means green, and what is more “green” than recycling? Instead of throwing your candy wrappers away, or even into the recycling bin to be turned into other things by manufacturers, why don’t you turn them into something yourself?
Below we share with you how to make a pretty little bracelet out of dum-dum wrappers. Who doesn’t love the classic charm of dum-dum pops?
The construction of the bracelet involves three main parts: Prepping, Folding, and Linking. Then there is the optional fourth part, “Decorating”. We’ve broke down the directions here to make it easiest for you to understand.
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Jireh K. favorited Candy Wrapper Bracelet 02 Apr 00:50
You Will Need
Step 1
1. Unwrap your Dum-Dum Pops.
We do not suggest eating all of these, at least not right away! Unwrapped Dum-Dum Pops can be placed in plastic sandwich baggies to keep them fresh. You could also work with dum-dum wrappers that you have saved up, but it may take a while to save up enough to make a bracelet. Also consider which colors you want to go into your bracelet. We chose lovely, bright, springtime colors.2. Cut your wrappers in half.
You should cut along the longest part of the wrapper. To get the most precise cut, fold the wrapper hot dog style, crease, and then open it up and cut along the crease. Each half of the wrapper will be one link.FOLDING
1. Fold your cut wrapper hot dog style. Crease the edge so that it is nice and crisp. **Hint: Go over the edge with your fingernail or a pair of scissors. It isn’t necessary, but it will make for the nicest crease.2. Open up the wrapper once more. Now fold the edges on both sides so that they match up with the crease that you made in Step One. Try not to overlap the edges, but bring them right to the middle. Once you have done that, refold the crease you made earlier. You should have a long skinny wrapper.
3. Fold your long skinny wrapper down hamburger style. (This should be easy to tell, because it is way too skinny to be folded hot dog style now!) Make a crease.
4. Just like you did in step two, open up the fold you just made. Once more, bring the edges to meet the crease in the middle. As always, make sure you are making nice, crisp folds! Now refold the crease in the middle. This is one link.
5. Continue these steps with the rest of your wrapper-halves to create as many links as you need for your bracelet. The number of links you need really depends on the size of the wrist in question, so once you have made and linked (see directions for linking below) a few, you can measure them up to your wrist to get an idea of how many you need.
*To give you a rough idea, our bracelet was for a smaller wrist, and was of a little under 30 links.LINKING
The instructions will make sense to you once you have the links in your hands. It’s sort of something you have to figure out while you are doing it.1. Insert the two prongs of one link inside the folds of the prongs of another link. Pull it through. If you did it correctly, you should have a “V”.
2. Continue to add on links until the bracelet is long enough for you. The bracelet should have a zigzag pattern, as shown in the final image below.
**Tips: You will notice that it can be difficult to insert the prongs, especially, if you insert them in the wrong holes. If you take a pair of closed scissors and insert them into the holes first, you will know that it’s the one that goes all the way through, and the hole will be opened a little wider.
Also, you need to add one link at a time. If you put together separate links and then attempt to put them together, this is not going to work!3. Once you finish getting your bracelet as long as you want it, take your hot glue gun (or super glue) and add one drop onto the end of your bracelet, then simply attach the other end! Or, if you would like to make it removable you can attach a jewelry clasp to each end.
Decorating your Dum Dum Pops Candy Wrapper Bracelet
This part is 100% optional, but it can be a lot of fun! There are a lot of different ways you can decorate your bracelet to make it personal to you. Try gluing on beads, buttons, sequins, any of these crafty things that are small enough to fit on your bracelet will look good.We chose to make a spring flower out of more wrappers to adorn our bracelet. There are a lot of ways to make origami flowers that you could try, but for ours we used a simple cut-out and glue-together method.
Here’s how we made our flower:
First, you need to make your petals:
1. Cut out petal-shaped pieces from flower-colored wrappers. (We alternated between bubble gum and mango!) You probably want to cut out one and then used this one as a stencil, so that all your petals will be about the same size.2. Glue two identical petals together to create one petal, putting the sides without the color on the inside. This will make your petal nice and sturdy.
Once you have enough petals, glue them together at the center to make your flower. We made a traditional 5-petaled flower.Next, make the stamens. (The center of the flower.)
1. Cut out long strips of wrappers. Yellow or orange wrappers are best for this part.2. Take the strips and fold them in half long ways.
3. Now, get rolling! Roll up the strip like a really long newspaper. It will have a nice little “spiral” at the top. Put a small dab of glue on the end to keep it from unrolling. We made three of these, but you can make as many as you want.
4. Now put a big dot in the center of the flower you made earlier and put your stamens here, making them stand upright.
Now you have a pretty spring flower that you can glue to your bracelet! We hope that you enjoyed making our craft as much as we did. Thanks for trying it!