Makes a bracelet 7.5 inches including loop and braids.
crochetmommie added Candy Stripe to Jewelry Tutorials 07 Oct 08:45
Step 1
Measure 60 inches of each colour of thread cut. Arrange the colours so the middles line up and fold in half making a loop and knotting at the top. Be careful to make sure you put the colours in the order the pattern says.
Step 2
Take your safety pin slide in through the knot in the loop of the bracelet attaches to the pillow or pant leg.
Step 3
First Row; lay out your stands 1, 1,2,2,3,and 3. Take the right most colours it will be a 3 make two forward knots. Repeat until you get to the end of the row.
Row Two, Repeat of what you just did but with colour 2 it will now be your right most string. Keep your thread taught while pulling the over lapping thread.
Keeping repeating the steps in the first two rows until your bracelet is the desired length.
Step 4
(finishing) Separate the thread and make two braids knot the ends. You’re done!