Candy, bouquet. Budget.
I*m sorry I only have a picture for the finished product.
Syeyon K. commented on Candy Boquet 05 Nov 11:16
Step 1
Place a piece of double sided tape on the popsicle sticks, then attach the candy on each.
Step 2
Line the box or vase with tissue paper, leaving it so you can see it like a real bouquet of flowers.
Step 3
Arrange your "flowers" in a flower fashion and put into the box.
Step 4
I used old fake flower leaves to give more of affect, but its completely optional. so attach those if you are opting to use them.
Step 5
Give it to your hunny bunny, and hope they like candy. :].

Amberlynn Reid
Kathmandu, Central Region, NP
67 projects
LOL!! Great idea never thought of this especially the popscicle idea