Create a sweet little plushie Calcifur!
This Calcifur plushie is super simple to make, and the result is adorable.
Jenn H. favorited Calcifur Felt Plushie 16 Jan 07:13
Neko-San K. favorited Calcifur Felt Plushie 31 May 20:49
Anime Magical Cat Girl added Calcifur Felt Plushie to anime crafts 01 Sep 02:56
Lauren H. favorited Calcifur Felt Plushie 20 Jun 15:02
Halie H. favorited Calcifur Felt Plushie 04 Apr 05:37
vicky.mcnair.1 favorited Calcifur Felt Plushie 19 Dec 16:54
Jennifer J. added Calcifur Felt Plushie to What I want to make 10 Dec 11:10
Po!s0n Si0uX added Calcifur Felt Plushie to To-make list 25 Nov 23:12
Po!s0n Si0uX favorited Calcifur Felt Plushie 25 Nov 23:12
Zombie Babe favorited Calcifur Felt Plushie 12 Nov 07:02
Step 1
Use the tracing paper to draw two fire shapes; one needs to be slightly smaller than the other, so that it fits snugly inside.
Step 2
Cut out both paper shapes and use the pins to secure the larger shape to the red felt, and the smaller shape to the orange felt. Cut out both shapes in the felt.
Step 3
Cut out another larger shape, this time on the orange felt.
Step 4
Blanket-stitch the smaller orange shape on to the large red shape. You could use fabric glue if you find it easier to use.
Step 5
Cut out two small black felt circles and two slightly larger white circles. Stick each black circle on to a white circle, to make the eyes. Then, stick the eyes on to the smaller orange shape.
Step 6
Put the red shape face-down on to the larger orange shape (so that the eyes are on the inside). They should fit together perfectly.
Sew around the larger fire shapes, but leave the bottom open. -
Step 7
Using the opening at the bottom, carefully turn the shape inside out. Now the eyes should be on the outside. Continually add small pieces of stuffing into the shape, until it feels comfortably full. Try and distribute the stuffing around evenly.
Step 8
Once the shape is full, carefully blanket-stitch up the bottom of the shape. Voila! Now you should have a perfect little Calcifur plushie.