Byzantine in Miniature!
Sorry for the bad photos...
This was an experiment in exactly how small I could make jump rings and still work with them...
Results were somewhat mixed; I could indeed make jump rings out of my 22ish gauge wire (don't remember exactly), and I could work with them, but of course they did not stay secure. -.-
I've repaired it a couple times now.
I did say it was an experiment... I can and do wear it, albeit carefully.
I didn't have a trailer-hitch clasp in the appropriate shade (and didn't want to try making a closure out of my wire), so I used a silver one :/
JadeSucksAtLife favorited Byzantine Weave Bracelet 04 Mar 08:17
DeadGirl favorited Byzantine Weave Bracelet 30 Jun 23:22
VillainousNinja published their project Byzantine Weave Bracelet 29 Jun 09:12
VillainousNinja posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!