100% Recycled!
Some months ago, my favorite sock site started selling these super cute, knit leg warmers then buttoned up the side. Unfortunately I didn't have the money they wanted in exchange for them, so I set out to make my own!
And off the to thrift store I went! I managed to find a brand-new big, thick men's sweater for the leg warmers, and I purchased the ugliest, frumpiest dress that ever existed so I could reuse the cool buttons it had down the front (oddly enough I still have the fabric, you know... 'just in case'...)
From the sweater, I cut off the arms and neckline, and down the sides, to get two large pieces to make the leg warmers out of. I zig-zag stitched as close as I could to the edges, though I really should have learned to use my serger and done that.
I did try to actually make button holes, but my machine was having none of that! So I folded one edge over to the size I needed and sewed it down, then attached the buttons down the side.
Pretty easy overall. I need to go back and fold the top edge over since these are a little long on me and don't stay up well. They are really quite cute though!
Key West Witch favorited 'Button Up' Leg Warmers 12 Sep 12:21
Andrea F. favorited 'Button Up' Leg Warmers 02 Sep 21:40
Holly D. favorited 'Button Up' Leg Warmers 29 Oct 19:39
neimie added 'Button Up' Leg Warmers to Clothes 19 Nov 23:19
Steph. favorited 'Button Up' Leg Warmers 07 Oct 07:33
vermilia c. favorited 'Button Up' Leg Warmers 17 May 20:15
WaterAngel added 'Button Up' Leg Warmers to Accesories 06 Oct 08:07
neimie favorited 'Button Up' Leg Warmers 20 Jun 04:44
amber t. added 'Button Up' Leg Warmers to To-make list 09 Apr 22:30
Millie H. added 'Button Up' Leg Warmers to To-make for myself list 25 Mar 23:31
You Will Need
Jessica posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
W0lfygirl - Steampunk is basically a Victorian (or Victorian technology inspired) subculture, to sum it up very roughly.
i love these
I'll try this to go with an outfit i'm making for..well i don't really know what the outfit is for :,D
and..what the freak is steampunk..it's just called punk o__o
(not trying to be rude, just saying x3 i've never heard anyone say it except on this site..lawl...and sorry for the odd grammar, i'm like, 13)