button flowers and fabric cuff
button flowers are great they don't die.
and you can mix and match buttons...i love this project my sister in law taught me.
Key West Witch favorited Button Flowers 24 Aug 04:06
Bdandi favorited Button Flowers 12 Feb 16:01
Step 1
you get your buttons u can do as many as you'd like at a time...but i usually do up to three.
Step 2
then you get some wire. it is up to you how long you want your flower to be.
Step 3
you bend the wire in half but not all the way because you have to leave some room so you can slip your buttons onto the wire.
Step 4
when slipping the buttons onto the wire it's always best to do smallest to biggest.
Step 5
after you got your buttons on there you can twist the wire so the buttons stay in place.
Step 6
make sure you got a firm grip on the top so it's nice and tight so your buttons will not be all floppy.
Step 7
then get a vase or in my case i like to use pill bottles that i've from my meds.
Step 8
what ever you chose to put your buttons in you want to stuff a little memory foam so your buttons will stay in place.
the project 2 the left...i've only made one and i will make more and have a summary¬es.