Use real twigs to make beautiful resin art!
Make 3D resin art with an acrylic box frame and twigs from your yard. An easy way to create a large piece of art that looks amazing in any room.
Raven favorited Butterfly Resin Art 03 Jan 23:44
Key West Witch favorited Butterfly Resin Art 31 May 14:17
Ghosts are Green favorited Butterfly Resin Art 25 Aug 22:24
Rebecca M. favorited Butterfly Resin Art 11 Jun 18:22
Tisha R. favorited Butterfly Resin Art 14 Mar 10:25
Kay Bay favorited Butterfly Resin Art 01 Sep 22:17
Alissa B. favorited Butterfly Resin Art 01 Sep 19:52
Emma H. favorited Butterfly Resin Art 01 Sep 19:31
Val t. favorited Butterfly Resin Art 01 Sep 18:45
Mark Montano published his project Butterfly Resin Art 01 Sep 18:36
Step 2
Watch the short video tutorial here:
Step 3
Carefully cut out the butterfly images
Seal both sides with an acrylic coating
Figure out your twig and butterfly placement inside of the box frame
*I like to snap a photo with my phone to remember my placement
Mix the Glaze Coat for 5 minutes (outside)
Pour a small layer and pop the bubbles with a lighter or small torch
Quickly place the twigs and butterflies in resin
Pour the rest of the resin on top of your pieces
Pop the bubbles again and then sprinkle glitter in the resin
Cover and let dry overnight outside on a flat surface
Copy real leaves on a copy machine and decoupage them on the back when dry