Based on Burlesque Bustle Skirt by Becca K.
Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of good photos of my bustle skirt (I'm always at the wrong side of the camera!), but I absolutely adore it!
I made it as a part of my steampunk costume. It's a bit longer and without the front part - I made that part separate, but I don't wear it so often.
Morbid M. favorited Burlesque Bustle Skirt 19 Jun 18:50
mrseeyore510 favorited Burlesque Bustle Skirt 07 Apr 13:45
Vi F. favorited Burlesque Bustle Skirt 06 Apr 01:19
Catalyst favorited Burlesque Bustle Skirt 18 Feb 21:30
Nena published her project Burlesque Bustle Skirt 06 Feb 15:15
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