Based on Burlesque Bustle Skirt by Becca K.
i made this up with scraps in my fabric/trims stash. i saw a similar version at bellydance superstars, and made this one for my friend's birthday. i did not use Becca's pattern, but maybe next time i will try it!
Key West Witch favorited Burlesque Bustle Skirt 06 May 02:47
You Will Need
cinderelly posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

stephanie b.
Miami, Florida, US
7 projects
Hi ,I like to know the longest riffle is that under the base skirt?

Rock And Roll Ballerina
Atlanta, Georgia, US
3 projects
That is so cool! Very much my style (Stevie Nicks/Gypsy)! Great job!

Mistress Apathy
Clifton, New Jersey, US
25 projects
how cute

Fort Wayne, Indiana, US
378 projects
It looks awesome. I love the pleats and wide trim.

Eve P.
Earl Shilton, England, GB
3 projects
this would be good for halloween!