Based on Bubble Beads by Cat Morley
I started just making a gift for my friend's birthday but then as I went through the magazines I kept finding more and more cute things to use, so I ended up with a million magnets! A friend recommended that I use small tins like this one to present them in, that way the magnets stick to the tin and don't roll around all over the place. I found this one at Michaels (on sale!) but she said she has used Altoid tins before and collaged the outside. The last photo is some magnets I made using jpegs of patterns by Jessica Jones (http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com/)
Amy B. entered their project Bubble Beads to Secondhand Chic Contest 30 Apr 15:43
Amy B. entered their project Bubble Beads to Glue Contest 16 Apr 14:28
You Will Need
Amy B. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!