Create this minimal and modern swiss cross painting with just a few supplies!
When we recently got a new bed (more on that soon!), I wanted to revamp some decor in our bedroom. In classic Homemade Ginger style, I didn't want to spend any money and decided to reuse and repurpose some things we already had. I decided to use a large frame I already had on hand and make my own version of the swiss cross pattern to bring into the room.
Justine added Brush Stroke Cross Painting to Icelandic Living Room 08 Mar 23:31
Bigger Than The Three Of Us added Brush Stroke Cross Painting to Blake Lively 01 Apr 12:09
Kay Bay favorited Brush Stroke Cross Painting 16 Mar 11:57
megan.kapple.3 published her project Brush Stroke Cross Painting 13 Jan 01:18