Simply follow our step-by-step guide and use our template to guide you.
This year, the Broderie Anglais trend is strong on all tops and shirts adding to the lace revival of past seasons. Step out onto the beach in this stylish cover-up shirt worn over your swimsuit or bikini. Feel the sun on your skin through the light cotton fabric and feel stylish at the same time. Waves, sand and sun - the perfect Summer choice! And so easy to create the pattern with your Dremel Versatip. Simply follow our step-by-step guide and use our template to guide you.
You can check out more fantastic projects on the Dremel website.
- Dremel_Summer_Beach_Shirt_template_lores.jpg 19.8 KB [ Download ]
Frida P. favorited Broderie Anglais Cover Up 24 Mar 18:36
Step 2
Lay the soldering mat on top of the pricking mat - the pricking mat will provide a cushioned surface on which to work. Fit your Dremel Versatip with the soldering tip and set it to medium heat. When hot, use it to enlarge the holes in the card at each of the pin-pricks - this will create a template for marking the Broderie Anglais design on the fabric.
Step 3
Starting at the centre front and working out from this point either side, place your template on the shirt and use a fabric marking pen to mark the design through the holes onto the shirt. Position it as required and use the flowers and border elements of the Broderie Anglais design to create different patterns on different areas of the shirt.
Step 4
Fix the fabric into the embroidery hoop. If you are working close to the edge of your garment it may be necessary to use your hand to keep taut any fabric that can't be completely supported by the embroidery hoop. Using a swift, smooth movement push your Dremel Versatip fitted with the soldering tip through the shirt fabric to make a hole, moving along the design marked to create the Broderie Anglais effect. The soldering tip has a graduated width; try to use this feature to enhance the design by pushing the tip further through the fabric to create larger holes at pre-determined points. Move the embroidery hoop along as necessary, removing and replacing it gently to avoid any damage to the fabric or the Broderie Anglais design.