A biscuit recipe
Light crunchy biscuits with a fruity filling.
KMOM14 added Brighton Buttons Recipe to Recipes 11 Dec 11:29
KakesKaty published her project Brighton Buttons Recipe 20 Feb 09:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Cream 4oz of butter with 1oz of sieved icing sugar until light and fluffy
Step 2
Stir in 4oz of plain flour and the Finley grated rind of two oranges
Step 3
Pipe or spoon the mixture onto a greased baking sheet in small circles. Make sure there is an even amount as you will be pairing them up.
Step 4
Bake at 180oc for 10-15 minutes until golden brown
Step 5
When cooled use apricot jam to sandwich two buttons together. Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve