Muffins for those lazies who are always running late and don't want to skip breakfast
Really delicious and healthy breakFAST muffins to eat on the go
Tiffanezep K. favorited Breakfast Muffins 01 Apr 20:50
Step 1
I wasn't planning on doing a tut for this when i started making it so i don't have pictures of the initial process. So first, gather all your material.
Step 2
If you have fresh mushrooms wash and disinfect first. Then cut them into slices. Put some oil on a pan and put it on low heat. Cook your mushrooms until ready. Place in the bowl. Do the same for the bell pepper; i barely used some bell pepper, you do not need to use it all. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C)
Step 3
place the bacon on the same pan and fry on both sides for a few minutes. let it sit until cool and tear it to pieces. place in the bowl and mix. Add some grated cheese (i used a fistful of cheese).
Step 4
Once you have all the solid ingredients in the bowl crack the eggs into the mix and whisk it all together, make sure to beat the eggs and mix them in well.
Step 7
Take them out of the oven and let them cool before taking them out of the tin. Then place on a cooling rack.
Once cool you can eat them. Or once completely cold you cans store them in individual bags. They will last no more than 3 days in the fridge, or you can just freeze them. To eat place them in the microwave for a minute or so.