DIY T-Shirt Crafts
This practical and pretty project is a testament to how versatile T-shirts really are. Great for holding bathroom essentials, craft room supplies, or almost anything, these unique, braided bowls are great conversation pieces as well. You don’t need any special weaving techniques; this fiber bowl is made from one long, coiled braid, held together with the most basic of hand stitches.
Jen S. added Braided Yarn Bowl to Cate's room ideas 03 Mar 01:33
Jen S. favorited Braided Yarn Bowl 02 Mar 20:28
Anna M. favorited Braided Yarn Bowl 27 Jan 19:55
Alecia B. favorited Braided Yarn Bowl 03 Oct 07:04
Southern Crafter favorited Braided Yarn Bowl 23 Sep 04:42
Carla B. favorited Braided Yarn Bowl 21 Sep 17:34
FW Media published his project Braided Yarn Bowl 14 Sep 10:06
Step 4
When stitching the sides together, stitch upward into the bottom of the top row, and downward into the top of the bottom row, alternating every few centimeters. This basic basting stitch goes quite quickly. After connecting 3 or 4 rows, you may find that you have a nicely sized bowl. (You can, of course, continue coiling until you get any dimensions you like.)
Step 5
When your bowl is the height you want, tie an overhand knot in your braid. Secure this end to the row beneath it with thread, cut the excess from the end, and then sew the knot itself to the row beneath. This bowl is very flexible, but it’s surprisingly sturdy! You’ll love filling it with candy, spare buttons, jewelry, or whatever you like.
T-Shirt Tips!
Varying the base size and the height will yield different shapes and styles of bowls. Try making other sizes and shapes! For the most stability, though, the height should not exceed the size of the base’s diameter.