Bright & Colorful Beaded Crochet
Self teaching my self bead crochet. I used one bag of beads, repeatedly until I finally figured it out. It took a lot of patience. But, I love the end result.
Crystal W. favorited Bracelet 03 May 04:56
2connieG favorited Bracelet 29 Mar 03:53
debbie.holmes.568 added Bracelet to jewelry 24 Jun 22:34
natashua.vanaswegen favorited Bracelet 26 Mar 12:57
ShortHairedGirl favorited Bracelet 17 Oct 14:32
lisa.twigg.35 favorited Bracelet 02 Sep 13:51
Laura J. favorited Bracelet 24 May 21:22
Meena R. favorited Bracelet 07 Apr 09:42
sandra.burge.5 favorited Bracelet 11 Feb 21:04
Jeanne M. added Bracelet to wanna make 11 Jan 03:50
Step 1
Seperate the beads and string onto crochet thread in any order you desire. Once done slip stitch up to 5 beads, then join to form ring. Continue slip stitching until the bracelet measures 7 inches. Leave a 6 inch tail on both ends. Using one end add an even number of beads to form a loop. Make sure the Pink bead and fit through your loop. Then sew the thread with a Yarn needle back through your work to secure. The other end add a few beads to the thread, add the Pink Bead also, and one seed bead to the end. Pull thread back through beads and sew back into work to complete.