I hope my book club babes like their bookmark birthday card!
I used the theme of dots as my element that I was going to repeat and the incorporation of ribbon into my card and bookmark.
I first did a search with ye old Google for "Birthday Quotes" and came up with a couple that I thought fit the two birthday girls.
I then laid them out on the computer using a fun bunny font for the first letter of the quote enlarged super big.
Next I printed them out on a coordinating paper, cut them out and mounted them onto cardstock.
This technique of layering adds another color but more importantly avoids a possible argument with the printer trying to get a piece of cardstock to feed properly. Haven't we all been there????
A quick punch of a hole at the top of the bookmark, oh did I mention that when laying out the type to leave an extra bit of space for this at the top, and thread a bit of Wright's 3/8 inch Creation Station polka dot ribbon through the hole.
To attach the book mark to the card I stapled two pieces of the same Wrights dotted ribbon onto the card.
So I hope my book club babes like their bookmark birthday card!
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