Roses and leaves made out of book pages and into a wreath.
I made the roses and leaves out of book pages then stained them by painting them with coffee basically. Also the coffee helps give the leaves a more natural look. After applying the leaves and roses to the foam ring, I wrapped a chiffon ribbon on the top to hang it with.
Caaryn S. favorited Book Page Wreath 13 May 00:05
randy.johnson.16547008 favorited Book Page Wreath 15 Jan 22:40
ana.merari.1 favorited Book Page Wreath 05 Jan 01:28
jerilyns favorited Book Page Wreath 15 Dec 06:49
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joceyfraz posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

15 projects
That might work better, thanks! haha

Margaret D.
I haven't tried it, but someone told me that holding a hair drier to newspaper gives it that yellow "aged" appearance..