To quench your vampire thirst...
Idk I felt like it....
Markee R. added Blood For Your Inner Vamp. }:) to Club Kid Party Monster 29 Jun 11:49
Sewa E. added Blood For Your Inner Vamp. }:) to Halloween 29 Oct 12:54
Grimgirl101 favorited Blood For Your Inner Vamp. }:) 20 Jun 23:10
jessica.boulanger.10 added Blood For Your Inner Vamp. }:) to foods 26 Jan 02:10
Ichigo M. favorited Blood For Your Inner Vamp. }:) 23 Sep 23:49
sarah.ninnie1 added Blood For Your Inner Vamp. }:) to .ldeas 21 Sep 05:29
You Will Need
Step 1
Well your gonna need a water bottle (with water!!), maltodextrin, citric and malic acids, aspartame, red 40, less than 1/2 raspberry juice solids, natural and artificial flavor, calcium phosphate, acesulfame potassium, and blue 1. If you dont have all that poo after the water bottle you can use Crystal Light raspberry ice flavoring.
Step 6
I almost felt stupid for posting this!

Vanessa B.
I never really thought about using crytal light for bloody water, but now that I think about it it would work perfectly for a bloody drink, and it would stain well too for a bloody affect
Thanks, for the idea!

Emily Katherine
Princeton, West Virginia, US
5 projects
I like!

Brooks Z.
Madison, Wisconsin, US
74 projects
idk but this powder made the water look really dark soo

North Berwick, Maine, US
34 projects
hmm, i wonder if it would look the same with fruit punch drink mix...

Brooks Z.
Madison, Wisconsin, US
74 projects

Cullman, Alabama, US
1 project
oh real nice brooks! real nice... lolz.

Brooks Z.
Madison, Wisconsin, US
74 projects
You are

Brooks Z.
Madison, Wisconsin, US
74 projects
Ha ha ha

† Wayward Deer †
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US
7 projects
you could take a red popcicle(?) and let it melt and youd have a popcicle(still don't know if i'm spelling that right)flavored blood. YUM

Brooks Z.
Madison, Wisconsin, US
74 projects
May we stop talking about this because your making me question my diet.