Recycled Earring Bling Bling
Fun and almost no cost at all.
These are my recycled paper
earrings....very sophisticated bling!
Let me know if you like them.
Daine B. favorited Bling When You Least Expect It Earrings 28 Jan 12:41
You Will Need
Step 5
To assemble: Use your imagination.
For these, I cute 2 small card squares and put a hole in the middle.I threaded a small brass bead, then the square, and then put the wire through my tube. I then put another square, bead and made a loop.
You can leave the tube plain or add other elements. I enhanced my beads with a gold felt paint pen.
You can also use magazine pages to make beads as many of them have a heavier weight also, but if not you can use another sheet of paper and use a glue stick to attach it to the back of the page, then roll it.
You find pages that match colors in an outfit and make a custom piece to match the outfit and save the paper from going to a landfill all at the same time. What could be better?