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10 mins

add pizzaze, a touch of class
with this bad economy, I am finding it hard to justify buying the high end photographic muslims needed to do my clients product displays, so I have been using blankets

cotton, wools, fleece and flannel.

they add texture, movement, gloss...

its simple to set up too

I recreated some to show you

Posted by michelle G. from Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada • Published See michelle G. 's 1253 projects »
  • How to make a backdrop. Blankets: The New Product Photography Backdrops - Step 1
    Step 1

    first, set up your display

    for a sample I am using books

    I set up my lighting and pulled the dark blue cotton blanket over a table

    I placed the books down

    and snapped them from above

  • How to make a backdrop. Blankets: The New Product Photography Backdrops - Step 2
    Step 2

    to create a more dramatic, sweeping look

    photograph your object on the floor

    pull a chair over and drape the blanket over the chair and pull it a bit over the floor

    place your product down and shoot it

    don't be afraid to mess the blankets up a bit, create little folds for a sculpting effect

    [i used a flannel blanket to create this look]

  • How to make a backdrop. Blankets: The New Product Photography Backdrops - Step 3
    Step 3

    the super shadow look

    photograph from above, pull the blanket as tight as you can,

    angle one light directly onto the object to create shadow

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Crystal Granite
Crystal Granite · Rancho Cordova, California, US · 3 projects
Here's a link to a diy light box for under $10; you may have all these things around the house already http://jyoseph.com/blog/diy-light-box-for-product-photography/

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